
AvianActs: What's New

We have chronicled website updates on this page with links to help navigate to new items.

August 5, 2024

1. Enrichment--> Nature Movies--> Nesting Birds in Iceland
2. Enrichment--> Nature Tales--> Taming a Peacock
3. Phenology --> Observations --> Read more on avian sightings - updated

January 1, 2024

1. Phenology —> Observations -> Bird nests in my Home ‘patch' --> Read more on birds nesting in the ‘patch’ "
2. Home -> Slideshow of AvianActs projects --> Slide show

October 1, 2023

1. Enrichment--> Nature Movies--> From Shorebirds to Northern Gannets
2. Scientific Experiments --> Passive Acoustic Monitoring --> Read more on "Dawn Chorus Study in My Home ‘Patch’"
3. Scientific Experiments --> Passive Acoustic Monitoring --> Read more on "Return of Wood Thrush in My Home ‘Patch’"

May 1, 2023

1. Enrichment--> Nature Movies--> In Search of Snow Geese
2. Enrichment--> Nature Photo Gallery --> Bird Bills for Diverse Diet
3. Scientific Experiments --> Passive Acoustic Monitoring --> Read more on "A Northern Cardinal Learning to Sing in My Home ‘Patch’"

January 8, 2023

1. Enrichment--> Nature Movies--> Watching a Ruby-throated Hummingbird's Nest
2. Enrichment --> Avian Body Weight --> Read more on "Non-Intrusive Measurement of Avian Weight"
3. Scientific Experiments --> Passive Acoustic Monitoring --> Read more on "The Repertoire of a Wood Thrush in My Home ‘Patch’"

July 10, 2022

1. Enrichment--> Nature Movies--> Life in the Wild: A Downy Woodpecker's predicament
2. Phenology --> Observations --> Read more on avian sampling effort

April 1, 2022

1. Phenology --> Observations --> Read more on avian sightings
2. Scientific Experiments --> Read more on thermal regulation in carpenter bees

February 1, 2022

1. Phenology --> Observations --> Read more on birds in the 'patch'
2. Phenology --> Observations --> Read more on animals in the 'patch'
3. Phenology --> Observations --> Read more on insects in the 'patch’
4. Scientific Experiments --> Avian Body Weight