
AvianActs: Magnetic Field Sensing

Deconvolving magnetic mechanisms for avian orientation and navigation may provide insight for development of new microelectronic systems for navigation and other applications. Experiments reported on European Robins at a few MHz suggest magnetic field sensing in that species may be related to quantum effects with long coherence times at ambient temperatures – something scientists have been unable to achieve in the laboratory at this temperature and frequency.

As initial steps in our non-invasive avian magnetic field sensing investigations, we are developing test structures and methodologies for evoking and measuring response of a variety of species to step changes in DC and RF fields up to 10 MHz.

Design of DC experiments: A DC magnetic field is generated by passing a current through a circular coil placed such that the field will be applied to the head of a selected subject. The figure shows the calculated magnitude of the magnetic field |B| for a current of 1 Ampere flowing through our custom-wound circular coil.
B field vs. R

Experimental setup comprises applying a DC magnetic field with our coil positioned in close proximity to a feeder or a preferred perch. Unknowing backyard recruits properly position their heads while feeding or at rest. A remote observer toggles the applied field up to 50X earth's field and records the response. With mobile deployment, experiments are being extended to long-distance migrants.
DC magnet on a bird feeder

Design of RF experiments: The magnetic fields required are over four orders of magnitude lower than for the DC experiments, and a single-turn field coil is used. Current is supplied with an arbitrary waveform generator (ARB) with fields detected by reading the induced voltage in a sense loop. Both the ARB and oscilloscope are relatively low power and can be operated from our mobile AC power supply.
AC experiment equipment